Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Smoking Tobacco in the USA, New Report Launched

Smoking Tobacco in the USA

Smoking Tobacco in the USA is a new report by Publisher that focuses on the extent to which USA Smoking Tobacco market has evolved in line with changing smoking habits, the competitive environment and economic developments, as well as analyzing the implications market realignments have had on top multinational companies.

Key Findings
The US smoking tobacco market is the smallest sector of the US tobacco products market forming just 5.5% of overall volume.
Latest data for 2013 puts pipe tobacco sales at 19,204 tonnes which is 199.4% up on 1990.
FCT volumes are reported at 1,752 tonnes in 2013, just 2.8% up on 1990, but more significantly 82.3% down on volumes in 2008.

  • Smoking Tobacco in the USA report is a qualitative report providing extensive and highly detailed consumption data on the Smoking Tobacco industry in USA.
  • This report is the result of Publisher's extensive market research covering Smoking Tobacco across USA.The report provides consumption data based upon a unique combination of industry research, fieldwork, market sizing work and our in-house expertise in the Smoking Tobacco industry in order to offer extensive data about the trends and dynamics affecting the Smoking Tobacco industry.
  • This report is aimed at companies operating in the Smoking Tobacco industry and for new companies considering entry into Smoking Tobacco industry.
  • This report provides detailed dataof the manufacturers operating in the Smoking Tobacco industryin USA.
  • This report also provides market size of the Smoking Tobacco industry in USA along with other data relating to the regulations, retail price, smoking population, production and trade and forecast data.

Reasons to Buy
  • Smoking Tobacco companies require a detailed understanding of Smoking Tobacco consumption in order to align their sales and marketing efforts with the latest trends in the market. This report clarifies in detail, by region and company, where the growth opportunities are in Smoking Tobacco industry to enable effective marketing plan
  • As consumers' product demands evolve, the dynamics between different countries also change - favoring some countries and leaving others increasingly out of line with demand patterns. As a result, understanding the shifting market dynamics is key to ensuring maximum sales in the future
  • The differing growth rates in overall regional product sales drive fundamental shifts in the market. This report provides detailed, authoritative data on these changes for marketers
  • The report provides the latest data on market dynamics in the Smoking Tobacco industry across USA, providing marketers with essential data in order to understand their own position in the market and to identify where to compete in the future

Spanning over 61 pages, “Smoking Tobacco in the USA” report covering the Overview, Market Size and Structure, Market Size and Trends, Market Structure, Manufacturers and Brands, Taxation and Retail Prices, Company Profiles, Production and Trade, Imports, Exports, Market Forecasts, 2012-2022. The report covered companies are - Scandinavia Tobacco Group Lane Ltd, Top Tobacco LP/Republic Tobacco LP (Republic Group), Commonwealth Altadis Inc (Imperial Tobacco Group), Sante Fé Natural Tobacco Co (Reynolds American Inc), National Tobacco Company LP (North Atlantic Trading Company Inc)

Know more about this report athttp://mrr.cm/ZEo

Related Reports;

1st - Smoking Tobacco in France - visit at: http://mrr.cm/ZEJ

2nd - Smoking Tobacco in Italy - visit at: http://mrr.cm/ZE3

3rd - Smoking Tobacco in Canada - visit at: http://mrr.cm/ZEU

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